Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Michael Paz of Pinky & Thumb has been creating an Aloha themed graphic every day for almost 200 days now. His efforts are being put towards tees with the highest number of Likes on Facebook.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Carnage Gaff!!

Been pretty busy lately. But I've been very much getting back into comics over the past couple years. Even more so after C2E2, which is Chicago's Comic-Con... Well there is Wizard world too, I guess. But I think C2E2 is bigger. Anyway, here is a sweet Carnage graffiti piece!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Land Shark!

Imagine walking around the corner to see this! Terrifying scenario to say the least... And then he'd (the shark) would just be screaming, flopping around and trying to bite you. Yes... Sharks can scream.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lovely, Just Lovely

Very much enjoy this style. Me thinks he's a Mako... Me thinks...


I've hung out with rich people, I've hung out with poor people. I've hung out with cops, I've hung out with criminals. But I can't really see what that has to do with "Art"?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

If a Shark Floats Thru a Forest...

Can he still eat you? Yes, definitely. Floating forest sharks are just as dangerous as normal sharks. Maybe even more dangerous since they also appear to be magic. Run for your life!